South Ruchis Group

Cold/Wood Pressed Ground Nut Oil – 1ltr

  • Prevents Cancer
  • Controls Cholesterol Levels
  • Boosts Immune Systems
  • Provide Skin Care
  • Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Good For Heart


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Weight 1 kg

1ltr, 3ltr, 5ltr

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South Ruchis Wood/ Cold-pressed Ground nut Or peanut oil is completely extracted from dried peanut crushed in between wooden press called Ghani or maraChekku. The cold-pressed Peanut oil extracted will completely retain all the nutrition and other health benefits that would also encourage collecting the good cholesterol in our human body. The shelf life of cold-pressed oil is about six months in normal temperatures. If it’s well preserved in an airtight container stored in a cool dry dark and moisture free, The shelf life can be increased to nine months. But cold-pressed oil is always recommended to consume in a short period of time.
Cold-pressed groundnut oil is been originated from south Asian regions such as India. Generally, peanut oil is widely used in cooking, frying, and sautéing which enhances the nutty flavors of fried peanuts.
Following are the known benefits of South Ruchis Wood/Cold-pressed Ground nut Or peanut oil

Nature Pure Cold-pressed Ground nut Or peanut oil is rich in unsaturated fats
A 1-tablespoon serving of cold-pressed groundnut oil has 13 grams of total good fat, the majority of which is unsaturated fat. The American Heart Association recommends getting the majority of your fat from unsaturated fats which is also known as good cholesterol. Replacing saturated and trans fats with unsaturated fats can reduce your risk of heart disease; monounsaturated fats help lower bad cholesterol levels. Cold-pressed Groundnut oil contains about 5.5 grams of monounsaturated fats per tablespoon, 50 % of the total fat content, and 4 grams of polyunsaturated fats, 32 percent of the total fat content
Cold pressed groundnut oil has no cholesterol
Your body naturally produces as much cholesterol as you need, so dietary cholesterol is not required, But consuming other types of oil increases body’s fat and groundnut oil provides no cholesterol. A diet high in cholesterol can increase the amount of plaque that builds up in your arteries, increasing your chances of developing atherosclerosis, commonly known as hardened arteries.
Natural Antioxidant Content
Groundnut oil is a natural source of phytochemicals, antioxidants that protect your body from damage from toxins and free radicals A recent web-based article in “Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition” has included a review that found that cold-pressed groundnut oil, because of its high antioxidant content, reduced inflammation in those who regularly included it in their diet. Groundnut oil is also a good source of vitamin E, a natural antioxidant.
Cooking With Groundnut oil
Groundnut oil has a slightly nutty flavor and natural richness, adding depth to many cooked dishes making your dished more taster. It can be used in most dishes where the nutty taste is either hidden or welcomed — such as in spicy dishes or french fries and more. Groundnut oil is well-suited to high-heat cooking methods and is commonly used for stir-fries usually in Indian regions

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Weight 1 kg

1ltr, 3ltr, 5ltr


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